Space Cuisine: Danish Astronaut Masters Zero-Gravity Chocolate Mousse

Space Cuisine: Danish Astronaut Masters Zero-Gravity Chocolate Mousse

Danish Astronaut Whips Up Chocolate Mousse in Space

Astronaut Andreas Mogensen has successfully made chocolate mousse aboard the International Space Station (ISS), providing a treat for his crewmates. The dessert was part of an experiment conducted by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the French Space Agency (CNES) to explore the possibilities of cooking in space.

Currently, all the food consumed on the ISS is prepared on Earth and pre-packaged. Astronauts simply rehydrate or heat the food, leaving little room for culinary variety. However, the ESA’s microgravity research has been studying foams since the 1980s, making chocolate mousse a natural choice for the experiment.

The ESA’s Food Processor investigation aims to test prototype equipment capable of performing basic cooking functions such as mixing and beating. Future versions of the Food Processor could have the ability to weigh, knead, heat, dry, cook, color, and rehydrate ingredients, allowing astronauts to enjoy a wider range of meals.

While NASA has already developed a way to grow green leafy vegetables on the ISS, devices like the Food Processor could prove invaluable for longer missions, as food plays a vital role in astronauts’ health and morale.